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11.29.2004 - 21:20

For my sweet Holly.

I have not written in this thing for quite some time, but maybe I will start with a story,it may seem tragic but is really quite wonderful as it holds alot of potential happiness within it.

I had the most wonderful summer and fall all due to a chance meeting, fate if you will. It�s amazing how one person can come into and change your whole life for the better. It�s like your lost in a cave, a very dark and lonely place, and then out of nowhere someone shows up carrying a torch and leads you out into the light but wait! It may seem that your in the clear and everything will be ok but its not, and at that moment you see that there is still something down in that cave that has a hold on you, and the more you try to escape you realize you cant, there is treasure left down there that cant be left behind you must go back in and retrieve it ,or at the very least guard it for a while longer so as not to damage it, for it is precious beyond measure. This being the noble task that it is gives you the courage to endure the darkness of this rancid place however, a terrible price is being paid. The person that rescued is being pulled away; their grip loosens, not going to leave you to perish in this terrible place but not wanting to be devoured by the darkness themselves. You must make a decision, find the strength to escape with the treasure intact, try and mend the wounds caused by the decision or be swallowed up in the darkness and watch everyone suffer, even your rescuer.

To my rescuer: please don�t leave me behind but don�t let your own sacrifice be in vain consumed of your own happiness and opportunity for rescue. I know that if I take advantage of the strength you have given me I could now use that to save myself and the treasure, emerge from the darkness on my own and pray that your there to greet me at which point we lounge by the pool of life and love each other and the life we have for all its worth.

Your Wonderful, a Doll, a Treasure to behold. You picked be up when I was so far down. I am forever and ever grateful. But I must admit, oh how my heart yearns for you.

Signed "Me"

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